We are very proud of Don Alfonso
the son of our dearly beloved and sorely missed 
CH Llacue's Mozart.


In just 2 weekends out Don Alfonso was awarded
WD 3 pt major
RWD for a 3 pt major
WD 4 pt major
WD 4 pt major BOW and BOB over Specials

We had to pull Don Alfonso from showing so we could bring our 
Italian to compete at his first American National Specialty!  

Unfortunately Don Alfonso's handler is unable to make 
it to the National but we are Very Excited that he will be 
presented by the very Talented Teri Tevlin!




Multi Group Winning CH Llacue's Mozart X DCH Way Up Vain Jane
view pedigree


Bred By Agnese Della Rocca ~ Way Up Afghans ~ Parma Italy

Owned by Lisa Ashby ~ Mozart Afghans ~ Texas USA 

Felix Rodriguez and Windy Sanchez