Since the start of PD’s career in the US his record includes:
3 All-breed Best in Shows
7 Specialty Best in Shows
18 Group 1sts
18 Group 2nds
11 Group 3rds
9 Group 4ths
Over 100 Best of Breeds including
BOB at AKC Eukanuba Invitational Dog Show 2007


We extend a HUGE thank you to breeder/owner Kiyoshi Yamagami, 
Japanese handler Shigeru Kato and their families for sharing this wonderful 
dog with us and to all of the judges who have awarded PD his wins during
his time in the US.


Kiyoshi Yamagami 
Mountain Top One Afghan Hounds - Japan
Handled in US by:
Teri Rosenblatt – Tevlin