Yeager winsBest in Show under Brett Hamilton
(Kjavu Afghan Hounds) at The Hound Club of  South
Australia Championship Show shown by Rachel Hutchings.

His other wins include:
BPIS -  Mrs. W. Baker
BPIS -  Mr. M.O. Callaghan
  (shown exclusively by Rachel)


We want to take this opportunity to express
our sincere thank-you's to:

Stephanie Quinlan - for her enthusiasm, devotion, and care of Yeager

Kerin Hutchings ( Suliman Afghan Hounds ) - for her unselfish mentoring
of a newcomer to our breed

Rachel Hutchings - for her talented handling of Yeager

Judges - for their continuing support

Conner, Tara and Barry Allan - for the hugs, cookies, and playtime with Yeager

To Yeager - you have earned your star on the Seistan/Polo map !



Stephanie Quinlan
South Australia
Rachel Hutchings
Lynn Faro
Marilyn Thompson
Lorianne Amadeo